Associate membership ABOUT ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP You are not eligible if you hold a current Practising Certificate issued in any Australian jurisdiction. Law graduates, law administration officers, conveyancing agents, senior police and retired members of the profession are eligible to apply for Associate Membership. Associate Membership entitles the associate member to attend seminars and social functions and to receive the Society's publications. Associate members are ineligible to vote at Council elections and attend meetings. Associate members are issued with renewal notices that will be sent at the beginning of the Practising Certificate renewal period in July of each year. LAW STUDENTS If you are a student enrolled in a law course or practical legal training course which is recognised by the Legal Practitioners Admission Board for the period of enrolment you are eligible to apply to be an Associate Member and a member of the Society's NT Young Lawyers Committee (NTYL). The fee for NTYL membership is a flat rate of $35.00 (incl. GST). FEES The Associate Membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June. Fees are pro rata (including GST). JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN General: $173 $159 $144 $130 $115 $101 $87 $72 $58 $43 $29 $14 Student/NTYL: $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 APPLICANT DETAILS Full name:* Invalid Input Telephone:* Invalid Input Email address:* Invalid Input Residential address:* Invalid Input Postal address:* Invalid Input Employer:* Invalid Input ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY Please confirm:* I confirm that I do not hold a current Practising Certificate issued in any Australian jurisdiction Invalid Input I am eligible for Associate Membership of the Law Society NT as a:* e.g. law graduate, law administration officer, conveyancing agent, senior police officer, retired member of the profession Invalid Input Please provide supporting documentation as evidence of your eligibility: e.g. copy of law degree, student card etc. Supporting documents:* Invalid Input NT Young Lawyers:* I elect to become a member of the NT Young Lawyers, or Not applicable Invalid Input NTYL Committee acknowledgement:* I acknowledge that membership of NT Young Lawyers is subject to approval by the NT Young Lawyers Committee, or Not applicable Invalid Input INVOICE REQUEST Allow up to three (3) business days for your invoice request to be processed. Once processed, an invoice together with payment instructions will be delivered to the email address that you specify below. The invoice and payment instructions will be sent via Xero – the Society’s accounting system. Ensure that junk emails are checked in the event that your system’s firewall blocks this email. Payment is only accepted online. Once payment is made, please email the remittance advice to If a remittance advice is not received, your application cannot be finalised. Please confirm: I have read and understood instructions 1-6 above Invalid Input Amount to invoice:* Please choose:Student/NTYL - $34or, General:July - $173August - $159September - $144October - $130November - $115December - $101January - $87February - $72March - $58April - $43May - $29June - $14 Invalid Input Payee name / firm:* Invalid Input Email address for invoice:* Invalid Input Please type in the following numbers:* Refresh Invalid Input Submit application