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Corporations Act


Funds Management Committee, Law Society Public Purposes Trust, Law Society Northern Territory Professional Indemnity Insurance Scheme warning

Please note that the person responsible for the following matters is not licensed by ASIC under the Corporations Act:

In respect of the Law Society Northern Territory - for the operation of the Law Society Public Purposes Trust Fund established under the trust deed set out in the Schedule of the Law Society Public Purposes Trust Act (now repealed).

Also note that the Law Society Northern Territory, and Funds Management Committee established by section 659 of the Legal Profession Act of the Northern Territory are not licensed under the Corporations Act in relation to the following schemes and the schemes are not regulated under the Insurance Act 1973:

  1. Professional indemnity insurance arrangements pursuant to Part 3.4 of the Legal Profession Act of the Northern Territory.
  2. The Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund of the Northern Territory established under section 385 of the Legal Profession Act of the Northern Territory.
Last modified: 03/02/2021 12:14 PM

Office details

Office: 3/6 Lindsay St. Darwin NT 0800
Post: GPO Box 2388 Darwin NT 0801
ABN: 62 208 314 893


Please note that the Society does not offer legal advice.

A list of lawyers can be found here.

Telephone: (08) 8981 5104
