Media Release
Law Society Northern Territory welcomes Senior Counsel appointments in the Northern Territory
The Law Society Northern Territory (Society) congratulates Cameron Ford, Hamish Baddeley, and Marty Aust on their recent appointment as Senior Counsel.
Society President Mr Richard Henschke said, “I congratulate all three appointees, each of whom bring many years of advocacy experience and significant legal knowledge in their respective areas of legal expertise.
All three appointments are well deserved and are a welcome boost to the local legal profession.”
Dr Ford’s appointment comes after 35 years of practice across various areas of law including commercial arbitration in both the Northern Territory and throughout Asia. Dr Ford lectured in civil procedure at Charles Darwin University and for many years edited the Northern Territory Law Reports.
Prior to joining the Northern Territory Bar in 2016, Mr Baddeley worked as a solicitor in large commercial firms in Sydney. Throughout his time as a barrister he has appeared in a wide range of matters in all of the Territory’s courts and tribunals including the Northern Territory Supreme Court and the Federal Courts.
Mr Aust graduated from Charles Darwin University in 2010 and has extensive experience as both a senior Crown Prosecutor and Defence Counsel. Since joining the Northern Territory Bar, he has a wide ranging legal practice including criminal trial and appeal work, coronial experience tribunal appearances.
Richard Henschke